Sat. Jul 6th, 2024

A Universal Self-Exclusion System: Casino Expert’s Ambitious Plan to Combat Gambling Addiction

Casino Expert is advocating for player safety on a global scale with a novel international self-banning project. They’ve determined that current self-restriction methods are insufficient in truly aiding those battling gambling addiction. The Responsible Gaming Project Lead at Casino Expert, Simon Vincze, highlights that while self-exclusion is theoretically effective, in practice it frequently falls short. Gamblers can easily circumvent the system and access gaming platforms not included in national schemes. Their answer? A universal system that would block players from wagering anywhere, regardless of their persistence in finding a way back. Their initial steps involve promoting awareness and collecting feedback from both specialists and the general public.


By Michael "Maverick" Johnson

Holding a Master's degree in Applied Mathematics and a Bachelor's in Computer Science, this versatile writer has a strong foundation in various mathematical disciplines. They have a keen interest in the application of discrete mathematics, algebra, and graph theory in the development of casino games and gaming strategies. Their articles and reviews offer a unique perspective on the mathematical underpinnings of popular casino games, making complex concepts accessible to a wide audience.

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